4 Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 in 2023

Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300

In 2023, what will be the best helium antenna for your Bobcat Miner 300? In this post, we picked four top antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 with simple installation, and high speeds.

Finding the ideal one for your house or place of business, though, is more difficult. We’ve done the hard work for you by reducing the field to the top three competitors.

We’ll examine our top four choices in this article: the McGill 3 dBi Antenna, McGill 9 dBi Antenna, SignalPlus 5.8 dBi, and PANORAMA B4BE-HELIUM. Then, we will provide advice on what you should know before purchasing a helium antenna and discuss the various antenna types that are readily available.

Let’s dive in!

Best forBest Antenna for CitiesBest Antenna for Remote AreasBest Antenna for the SuburbsBest Compact Discrete Design
ModelMcGill 3 dBi AntennaMcGill 9 dBi AntennaSignalPlus 5.8 dBiPANORAMA HS6E HELIUM
Frequency Range868 MHz – 915MHz865-870 MHz824-960MHz698-960 MHz
Gain3 dBi9 dBi5.8 dBi2 dBi
Power50 watts60 Watts50 watts60 watts

Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300

McGill 3 DBi Antenna – Best Antenna for Cities

4 Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 in 2023

High Quality, Effective, Reliable

This antenna has the best quality and reliability for the money, according to numerous knowledgeable sources in the helium community.

Antennas are made specifically for helium miners by McGill. They are renowned for producing fiberglass antennas of the highest caliber, which are ideal for the Bobcat Miner 300.

McGill’s antennas are tuned (optimized) for specific radio band frequencies. If an antenna is untuned it is designed to be universal, so a single product is designed to cover the 868 MHz and 915MHz Frequency bands. This indicates that the design might not be tuned for either frequency band.

Do tuned antennas yield higher profits than untuned ones? This the subject of much debate, but the consensus is yes, the tuned antenna contributes to increased profitability and HNT earnings, however the increase is very small, and your efforts could be better spent on optimizing placement and height.

The US915 and AU915 frequency bands, which are of interest to operators of USA/Canada Helium Hotspots, are the only ones over which this new antenna design has been specifically tuned to operate at peak efficiency.

Most commercially available Helium Hotspot Antenna designs available today are designed to be universal – meaning that the one product has been designed to cover both the 868 MHz and 915MHz Frequency bands – resulting in designs which may be non-optimised for either frequency range.

For customers in the UK and Europe, they also have various optimized products with tuned peak performance for the various European EU868 Frequency Bands.

McGill 9 DBi Antenna – Best Antenna for Remote Areas

4 Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 in 2023

Best Antenna for Remote Areas and Mountaintops

The ideal option if you are in a remote location with a wide-open view. Hit very far-off targets with a sweep.

9 dBi is the highest you should go for McGill University makes the best 9 dBi antennas for helium mining. In situations with extremely flat landscapes, where you can see for miles in every direction, the 9 dBi has been reported more than double profit.

There is always a trade-off with higher dBi: while the reach is greater, the power penetration is lower. We would recommend the 9 dBi assuming you reside in a flat area without many obstructions in your line of sight.

You will need a sturdy pole to support the 9 dBi antenna because it is heavier than the smaller antennas on this list.

SignalPlus 5.8 DBi – Best Antenna for the Suburbs

4 Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 in 2023

Best budget option for mid-range dBi

Loved by Helium miners. The top mid-gain antenna available at this price range. For the Bobcat Miner 300, it is the most cost-effective option.

The cheapest antenna on this list is the SignalPlus 5.8 dBi, which offers excellent value.

Fiberglass and waterproof describe it. Users running Bobcat Miner 300 and RAK miners have reported increased witnesses when using the Instead of using the stock antenna, use SignalPlus.

Although the antenna is of high quality, the accompanying cable is of poor quality, which is a common complaint we’ve heard about this one. They would also add a LMR 400 cable if you were going with this antenna.

Panorama B4BE-Helium- Best Compact Discrete Design

4 Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300 in 2023

The Panorama B4be Helium is renowned for its convenient installation and small size. The antenna has a 2 dBi gain and is omnidirectional. A wide frequency range of 698-960 MHz is what you can anticipate from the Panorama B4be.

Using the included screws and wall plugs, users can quickly install the mounting brackets because they are discrete. A pipe clip or cable ties (not included) are required for mast mounting. Additionally, the omnidirectional broadband antenna is simple to install in an elevated position, allowing users to begin receiving signals from all directions.

Have we mentioned the Panorama B4be’s affordability?

You won’t go broke buying this helium antenna, which is offered at an excellent price. It can be installed indoors or outdoors and is great for residential or commercial use. It’s also compatible with 2G, 3G, or 4G cellular modems, routers, and Machine to Machine (M2M) wireless connectivity applications, which is a good match to your Bobcat Miner 300.

What You Should Know before Buying a Helium Antenna

Before you buy a helium antenna for the Bobcat Miner 300, there are a few things you should think about.

If you don’t know what kind of coverage area you live in, for instance, choosing the right helium antenna can be challenging. This will affect the signal reception.

Factors that affect the strength and signal you’ll get in a specific location include:

  • How high off the ground you install your antenna
  • The type of building materials used in your home
  • The number of broadcast towers from your location
  • The directionality of broadcast towers from your location

You can decide what kind of coverage area you need by having this knowledge.

Factors to Consider before Purchasing a Helium Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300

Location: Where Do You Plan to Mount?

Your ability to place it determines where you should put your helium antenna. It should be placed at the highest point in the vertical plane.

If you live in a house located in a suburban community, place it in your attic or, better yet, your roof. If you reside in a condominium or multi-use building, place it on or close to a window with a clear view (no obstructions like trees or other structures).

Read more: Tips for Bobcat Miner 300 Antenna Placement and DBI Selection – to Increase Witnesses

Gain: Do I Need a High Gain Antenna?

An antenna’s ability to radiate in any direction is referred to as antenna gain. It expresses the amount of energy that is transmitted in any direction. The gain is directly proportional to the dBi number.

This isn’t to say you should go with the antenna that offers the most gain. Really, it just comes down to your neighborhood.

Furthermore, you shouldn’t always believe the antenna’s reported dBI gain. Ensure that the manufacturer or supplier you are buying from is dependable and well-known.

Flat terrain allows for lower gains. Consider the scenario where you reside in a region with flat land. There are no trees or nearby structures that would obstruct your view. A low gain helium antenna with 2 to 4 dBi is an option in this situation.

Now, a 4-6 dBi will be a better fit if you reside somewhere with lots of trees, mountains, or tall buildings.

You don’t need an antenna with a gain of more than 6 to 8 dBi for your helium.

Frequency: Where Are Your Hotspots Located?

The best option would be for you to select an antenna that works with your Helium network. This is determined by geography.

For instance, if you reside in the UK, the network uses the 869 MHz band. The network uses the 915 Mhz band and is available in North America only if you reside there.

Because of this, you’ll need an antenna that covers the appropriate band depending on where your hotspots are. Many antennas like the Panorama B4be-Helium will cover the 869 and 915 MHz bands.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet when it comes to frequencies in some parts of the world:

  • Europe: 868 MHz
  • USA and Canada: 915 MHz
  • China: 470 MHz
  • Australia and New Zealand: 915 MHz

Omni and Directional Patterns: Which is Best for You?

Directional antennas focus on transmitting power in one sole direction, while omnidirectional points signals in all directions. A directional pattern has the advantage of using less power to transmit while still producing a strong signal over long distances. The downfall? It requires a clear view of the sight for best results.

The advantage of omni-directional antennas is that they transmit signals evenly and around-the-clock. Because of this, they are simpler to install and can be put almost anywhere (for best results, place it at the highest vertical point you can). These antennas’ weakness is that, in contrast to a directional antenna with a high gain, they have a low gain.

Choose an omnidirectional antenna if you need coverage in all directions. Select a directional antenna if you require coverage only in a specific direction. Just keep in mind that directional antennas are more powerful but can be inconvenient in some situations because they only point in one direction.

Budget: How Much Are You Willing to Spend?

A helium antenna can cost anywhere from 30 to 200 pounds. The cost reflects the variety of features in an antenna. For instance, whether it is intended for use indoors or outdoors or whether it is directional or omnidirectional.

Different Types of Helium Antennas

Users need to understand which of the following antennas are best suited for them: indoor or outdoor.

Both indoor and outdoor antennas can mine equally well. It simply depends on your needs.

Indoor Antennas

In general, indoor antennas are less expensive, safer to use, and need less wiring than outdoor antennas. Due to their convenience, many people choose indoor antennas for mining. You should be good to go as long as you put it in a location with little obstruction, like a window.

Outdoor Antennas

The barriers are reduced when an antenna is placed outside, but to get the most out of it, you must make sure it is mounted correctly. As a result of poor placement, you would be missing out and losing money. Some people like to keep the hotspot indoors and then draw the antenna cable outside to increase the position.

If you choose to go with an outdoor antenna for helium mining, consider placing it on your roof or outside a window. Additionally, choose an industrial-grade antenna that is weatherproof and designed to withstand the worst conditions.

Takeway: Best Antenna for Bobcat Miner 300

Helium hotspot networks continue to rise in popularity paving the way for helium antennas. You know what to look for if you’re in the market for one.

Decide first whether you want an indoor or an outdoor antenna for your Bobcat Miner 300. If installed correctly, an outdoor unit will provide you with the best signal, but an indoor unit will be less expensive, safer, and simpler to install.

Next, decide how much money you’re willing to spend and where your hotspots are. You can narrow down your options and find the ideal helium antenna for your home by keeping in mind your budget, location, gain, frequency, and pattern.

Here are our recommendations for different environments:

  1. High buildings and a dense population? Get the McGill 3dBi Antenna ($78)
  2. OR the peak of a mountain with a panoramic view in a level, remote area? Get the McGill 9 dBi Antenna ($195)
  3. Somewhere in-between? Try the Signalplus 5.8 dBi Outdoor Antenna ($58) for a solid general option.


How Far Will a 8dbi Antenna Reach?

Antenna Basics

AntennaTypeMax Range
8dbiOmni directional1500ft
9dbiOmni directional1200ft
9dBi PanelDirectional.25 miles
11dBiOmni directional.25 miles

How Do I Improve My Bobcat Miner 300 Performance?

Keep your antenna cable as short as possible if you want maximum earnings. Give your antenna 20 to 30 feet of runway; LoRa performs best with space to breathe. Do not position your antenna close to a house, building, or other solid obstruction unless you are an expert and have a compelling reason to do so.)

What is the Best Indoor Helium Antenna?

Be aware that storing your Helium antenna indoors will reduce your likelihood of making money.

When mining inside, there is less of a need to upgrade your antenna, so we advise sticking with the stock one.

What is the Best Outdoor Helium Antenna?

The ideal outdoor helium antenna in a city setting is the HNTenna 3 dBi. The ideal antenna for a remote location is the McGill 9 dBi antenna.

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